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WE want to create 
a world
that has ZERO
tolerance for

Intimate Partner Violence.



#RaiseYourVoice is a grassroots movement whose goal is to raise awareness of the risks of intimate partner violence during pregnancy, elevate the voices of survivors, and end intimate partner homicide. This movement has been initiated by Voices4Change, an organization with a mission to create an ecosystem in our society that has zero tolerance for Intimate Partner Violence.

Every Year,  10 Million People 
Experience Intimate Partner Violence. 

Homicide   is One of The Leading Causes of

Death During Pregnancy  in the USA

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Let us tell you a story,

Jenn's Story.

Once upon a time.. a girl was killed...

Her name was Jennifer Snyder. She was a vet tech who loved every animal she encountered. She especially loved her horse Marji, her dog Arthur, and her married boyfriend, Veterinarian David Rapoport. After nearly 3 years of planning a life together, he shot and killed her when he learned that she was pregnant.


On average nearly 4 women are murdered everyday in this country by their husbands or boyfriends. Among pregnant women, homicide is considered to be a leading cause of injury-related death, and most of these women are murdered by their intimate partners. For many, an existing pattern of domestic violence escalates during the woman’s most vulnerable time – pregnancy. 


For others, like Jennifer Snyder, there seems to be no warning of the terrible tragedy to come. It’s as if pregnancy tips the balance of the killer’s carefully controlled, frequently false life. To regain that control, he eliminates the relationship, the pregnancy, the woman.


Jennifer Snyder was just 27 years old when she died at the hands of the man she loved.  We can only imagine the horrors she experienced in the last moments of her life.  With a 9mm Glock in her mouth, David Rapoport effectively silenced this gentle young woman carrying his son.  


But…maybe not. 


Jennifer Snyder and the thousands of women whose partners have attempted to silence have something to teach us. We just need to listen.

Simple Actions That Can

Make A Difference

1 in 4 women in the United States experience intimate partner violence…

Choose 1 of 4 ways you can make a difference!





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